Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Day Begins:

She opens her eyes and realized that her husband beside needs to get up too. Still struggling with her own sleep, she tries to wake him up. “Get up Darling!!!, You need to go to the office.”

Thereafter she takes bath and leaves the room to serve the best breakfast and cook the best lunch for her husband. Oh!!! Don’t forget she is working too. She is a post graduate in one of the most desired subjects.

This is “The Indian Woman”. The soul full of desires, anticipation, expectations….But all in vain.

Imagine a 25 year old woman married one year ago. She is struggling with the expectations that her in-laws have. She would not sleep more; she would not use a single thing without asking her mother-in-law and would always be conscious while even lifting her eyelid. Consciousness has become a part of her life and she does not know for how long.

There a lot more to understand a woman in India who got recently married…..the day has just begun……….